Protecting Our Students – Donate
By Robert Jordan


In the initial months of 2024, Americans purchased approximately 5.5 million firearms, marking a slight decline from the same period in 2023, as per the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This trend reflects a shift from the spike in 2020 and has implications for public safety across the nation. At SITE|SAFETYNET℠, we analyze these trends to enhance our understanding of their impact on school and community safety, reinforcing the need for our proactive safety assessments and reassessments.

Continued Decline in Gun Purchases

From January to April 2024, the average monthly gun purchase was 1.3 million, indicating a downward trend. The total firearm sales in 2023 decreased by 4% to 16.7 million from the previous year, suggesting that 2024 might continue this downward trajectory.

Factors Influencing Gun Sales

Gun purchases peaked in 2020 due to factors like the COVID-19 pandemic, political unrest, and a contentious presidential election. With another presidential election on the horizon, there is potential for this trend to reverse. Analysts suggest that President Biden’s gun control proposals, including stricter background checks and a possible ban on assault weapons, might drive a surge in gun purchases as individuals anticipate more stringent regulations.

State-by-State Variations

States such as Texas, Florida, and California have led in gun purchases, comprising 22% of total sales in 2024 thus far. In contrast, Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska recorded the highest sales per capita last year. Interestingly, Illinois, despite enacting stricter gun laws in 2023, saw a 5% increase in gun purchases, demonstrating that legislative changes do not uniformly influence buying patterns.

Impact of Gun Legislation and Public Health Concerns

Significant decreases in gun sales in regions like Washington, D.C., Delaware, New York, and Louisiana can be attributed to tighter laws and stricter background checks. Concurrently, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s declaration of firearm violence as a public health crisis has sparked a divided reaction, especially from conservative leaders who see it as an attack on Second Amendment rights.


The dynamics of gun sales in the U.S. are intricately linked to legislative actions and political leadership. As we approach the 2024 election, these factors could lead to fluctuations in gun sales, impacting public safety and, by extension, the safety protocols necessary in educational environments. At SITE|SAFETYNET℠, we monitor these trends closely to inform our comprehensive safety assessments, ensuring that our schools can adapt and respond to changing safety conditions effectively. #schoolsafety #gunsense #activeshooter Overview Video [1 min]

The Alarming Reality: Almost 5,000 People Have Died in U.S. Gun Violence by June 2024

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