Continuous Real-Time Safety Assessments: Ensuring Year-Round, Uninterrupted Safety Improvements.


Boost Safety Awareness and Significantly Reduce Anxiety and Fear Among Students, Staff, and Parents All Year Long.


Proprietray Features:
  • 60-Point Safety Zone Assessments (P-60):

    Our groundbreaking approach divides and evaluates your school safety into 60 distinct safety zones. This ensures tailored and comprehensive safety measures for every area, campus exterior, interior and including Police partnerships leaving no aspect of school safety unaddressed. Uvalde, TX. Robb Elementary

  • Dynamic Safety Score (DSS):

    A pioneering performance scoring system providing real-time insights into each safety zone’s status. This advanced proprietary system allows for immediate updates and targeted improvements. By delivering real-time data, DSS empowers schools to proactively identify and address threats. Additionally, it serves as a continuous scoring benchmark, enabling schools to monitor and improve their safety scores year-round, ensuring ongoing safety improvements and maintaining high safety standards.

  • Automated Safety Dash-Board Reports (ASR):

    Our platform automatically generates safety reports based on real-time data, immediately after completing an assessment, delivering actionable insights to school administrators and stakeholders. This enables swift and continuously informed decision-making to improve school safety throughout the year.

  • Real-Time Assessments and Reassessments: 

    Our advanced safety management system relies on the P-60, DSS, and ASR methodologies, making real-time and continuous safety assessments and reassessments its cornerstone. Our platform ensures ongoing safety improvements by leveraging these cutting-edge technologies, data analytics, and machine learning capabilities.

  • Active Scalable Solution:

Our cloud-based foundational model is designed to meet the needs of all schools, from small rural schools to large urban districts. This active and continuous safety system ensures that every school, regardless of size or safety budget and wherever they are in their safety journey, can benefit from our comprehensive real-time safety solutions. Utilized by schools nationwide, our platform provides critical, instant, and continuous data that other security organizations do not offer.


Subscribe for the entire school year for only $990—less than the replacement cost of a single computer—parents feel more confident having their children attend SITE|SAFETYNET℠ schools.


Real-Life Example # 1: SITE|SAFETYNET℠ SCHOOLS!

In a school district in Alabama, students notice a facility staff member, Mr. Smith, outside the school, snapping pictures and answering questions on his mobile phone. Curious, a student asks, “What are you doing, Mr. Smith?”

Mr. Smith smiles and replies, “I’m helping to protect all the kids here at school,” showing them the safety monitoring app he’s using.

Excited, the students go home and tell their parents, “Today we saw Mr. Smith outside using his cell phone to check for safety issues at school.”

Impressed by the proactive measures, a parent, during a visit to the school, thanks the principal and administration, saying, “Thank you for continuously improving safety throughout the entire school year. It means a lot to know our kids are in good hands.”

Real-Life Example #2: SITE|SAFETYNET℠ SCHOOLS!

A concerned parent visits a school, wanting to know how safe the environment is for their child, Johnny, in real-time. They ask the principal, “Can you tell me what your current safety strengths and weaknesses are?” The principal hesitates, unable to provide real-time safety data. The parent then inquires, “How do you continuously improve safety throughout the year?”


The school struggles to answer these questions unless they are a SITE|SAFETYNET℠ school. With SITE|SAFETYNET℠, SAFETYNET|REPORT℠, and SITE|SAFETY|PAGE℠ they would have real-time safety metrics and continuous improvement strategies, offering parents peace of mind. 

Your Comprehensive Real-Time School Safety Solution

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ offers a cutting-edge safety assessment and reassessment platform that meticulously dissects your K-12 school into 60 distinct safety zones. Each zone is evaluated with pinpoint accuracy, identifying security strengths and weaknesses in real-time. The dynamic scoring of each section creates a comprehensive benchmark, serving as a roadmap for guiding impactful safety score improvements throughout the school year. Our cloud-based platform provides an auto-generated dashboard report and real-time management tools, supporting schools in continuously enhancing their safety measures all year long.

Impressive Results, High Approval, with Audit-Ease Schools utilizing SITE|SAFETYNET℠ have experienced up to a 90% improvement in safety standards. Parents appreciate the real-time detail and ongoing enhancements provided by our platform, contributing to a safer environment for their children during the academic year. To achieve the most effective results, it is crucial for schools to engage with the process with focus, patience, and dedication. The assessment implementation, tailored to ensure comprehensive safety coverage, typically takes up to three days, depending on campus size and student population, and is streamlined for easy implementation.

Unmatched Depth and Precision No other safety or security organization offers tools or measures that match the immediate, continuous, and precise depth provided by SITE|SAFETYNET℠. Our approach encompasses 3 levels: 1) Stakeholder Partnership Tier, focusing on collaboration with Law Enforcement and key stakeholders; 2) Campus Exterior, assessing the safety and security of outdoor areas; and 3) Campus Interior, evaluating internal school environments. Our detailed overall 60-zone analysis delivers unparalleled insights, with auto-generated reports that empower you to continuously fortify security across your entire campus in real time.

Seamless Integration Our assessments integrate seamlessly with your existing safety protocols, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your safety measures.

Subscription Details

  • Annual Subscription Fee: $990 for the entire school year. This fee provides full access to our comprehensive safety assessment and reassessment platform, supporting continuous improvements and real-time safety management.

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ provides schools with the tools they need to maintain a safe learning environment for all students. Join us in our mission to enhance school safety nationwide.