Safety Assess and Reassess Year-Round:
The Unmatched Value of SITE|SAFETYNET℠

Introduction to SITE|SAFETYNET℠

At SITE|SAFETYNET℠, we understand that the safety of your students and staff is your top priority. Our mission is to provide you with the tools and insights needed to create a safer school environment. Our comprehensive safety assessment platform offers unparalleled capabilities to identify, evaluate, and improve safety across your entire campus. With our proprietary features such as the 60-Point Safety Zone Assessment, Dynamic Safety Score (DSS), and the SafetyNet|Report℠, we provide a level of detail and actionable intelligence that no other security organization can match.

Comprehensive Safety Assessment and Reassessments

Our platform is strictly designed to breaks down your school’s safety into a 60-point safety zone, covering every aspect from entry points and emergency exits to windows, walkways, and even to the efficacy of your law enforcement, first responders and community partnerships, drawing insights from tragedies such as Robb Elementary to ensure comprehensive preparedness. This meticulous approach ensures that no stone is left unturned in evaluating your school’s safety and improving security measures throughout the entire school year.

Dynamic Safety Score (DSS)

Our Dynamic Safety Score (DSS) provides a real-time, quantifiable measure of safety across all 60-point safety zones. Each school receives a DSS based on comprehensive evaluations, offering administrators, staff, and parents a clear picture of the school’s safety status at any given time. These scores serve as benchmarks for continuous improvement, allowing you to track progress and identify areas that need attention all year long.

Benefits of Auto-Generated SafetyNet|Report℠

The SafetyNet|Report℠ delivers detailed, automated reports that serve as invaluable resources for safety personnel, administrators, and parents and can be generated all year long. These reports offer several key benefits:

  • Empowered Decision-Making: Make informed decisions based on comprehensive safety data.
  • Proactive Safety Enhancements: Identify and rectify safety vulnerabilities proactively.
  • Year-Round Improvements: Maintain a continuous focus on safety with regular updates and reassessments, adapting to new challenges and incorporating the latest safety technologies and practices.

Meeting Parental Concerns

Parents are increasingly concerned about school safety, demanding transparency and real-time updates on the measures being implemented. Our SafetyNet|Report℠ answers key questions like “How safe is your school?” and “Can you show me in real-time what you are doing to improve safety throughout the school year?” By providing definitive, detailed responses and boosting active safety awareness, we greatly reduce anxiety for students, staff, and parents.

Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility

For just $990 per year, about the cost of a single computer replacement, your school can subscribe to our comprehensive safety assessment platform, offering unlimited access to our advanced SafetyNet|Report℠. This cost-effective solution breaks down to less than $84 per month, providing exceptional value and an exceptional safety asset.

Digital Innovation and Ease of Use

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ is designed for maximum ease of use and efficiency. With mobile-ready capabilities, and image capture features, the platform empowers your facility and operations managers, maintenance teams, and even custodial staff to seamlessly integrate safety checks into their scheduled activities without disrupting daily routines. The intuitive interface promotes a culture of shared responsibility for safety, providing clear, concise insights and actionable directives.

Community Endorsement and Growing Adoption

The simplicity and effectiveness of SITE|SAFETYNET℠ have garnered vocal support from students, staff, and parents. This collective endorsement is driving a powerful shift towards embracing digital active solutions in managing continuous school safety. As more schools nationwide adopt our platform, we are setting a new standard for scheduled and routine school safety.

A Call to Action for a Safer Tomorrow

Integrating SITE|SAFETYNET℠ into your school’s safety protocol is a strategic move towards ensuring the continuous well-being of your educational community. By choosing SITE|SAFETYNET℠, you’re not just selecting advanced protection; you’re championing a safer future for your school and guaranteeing peace of mind for everyone in your community. Join us in this vital journey, and together, we will build safer schools for today, tomorrow, and beyond.


  • Proprietary Features: 60-Point Safety Zone Assessment, Dynamic Safety Score (DSS), SafetyNet|Report℠
  • Real-Time Insights: Continuous monitoring and reassessment of safety strengths and weaknesses
  • Actionable Reports: Detailed, auto-generated reports for informed decision-making and proactive safety improvements
  • Cost-Effective: $990/year subscription, providing unlimited access to comprehensive safety assessments and reports
  • Ease of Use: Mobile-ready, intuitive platform for seamless integration into daily routines
  • Community Endorsement: Growing support from students, staff, and parents nationwide

Choose SITE|SAFETYNET℠ for unmatched safety assessment capabilities and join the movement towards a safer, more secure educational environment.

Elevating School Safety with Site|SafetyNet℠

SITE| SAFETYNET℠ excels with its streamlined, cloud-based design, optimized for easy, mobile-ready access. This ensures you can obtain critical safety information in real-time, for continuous improvement anywhere, anytime.

Strictly designed to provide schools with a three-level site safety assessment platform, designed to evaluate your school’s safety – from the exterior and interior of the campus to the efficacy of your community and law enforcement partnerships, drawing insights from trageties such as Robb Elementary to ensure comprehensive preparedness.

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ has become a foundational audit tool in redefining school safety. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through quarterly use, continuously improving safety with the benefits of our Dynamic Safety Score (DSS).

Our platform provides real-time insights into your school’s safety strengths and weaknesses by breaking it down into 60 sections. It generates automated reports across all assessment levels, equipping your school with comprehensive evaluations. Your auto-generated reports feature a detailed scoring dashboard, serving as a continual benchmark for safety improvements throughout the entire school year. This means that your administrators, parents, and stakeholders can, actively, have a thorough understanding of the school’s safety posture.

By leveraging our comprehensive safety assessment tools, your school benefits from a dynamic resource that adapts to your evolving needs. Our platform offers a tiered approach to safety assessments, comprising three comprehensive levels with more than 20 isolated sections each. Each of the 60 sections features targeted questions, culminating in a comprehensive analysis of over 900 dynamically scored questions.

As we delve into the core of our platform’s impact, it’s essential to highlight how this regular use is revolutionizing safety standards in schools, earning the trust and appreciation of school districts, and proving to be a safety solution, interior and exterior that schools nationwide are rapidly adopting.

Scheduled Safety Checks: The Heartbeat of School Security

Implementing quarterly safety checks through Site|SafetyNet℠ is akin to a regular health check-up for your school’s safety infrastructure. Just as regular visits to the gym or periodic health screenings and x-rays ensure well-being, our platform’s quarterly use ensures that safety measures are not only up to date but improving throughout the entire school year. This consistent vigilance has garnered widespread acclaim from parents who see it as a proactive approach to safeguarding their children’s learning environments.

Unrivaled Cost-Effectiveness and Accessibility

At just $990 for a full-year subscription—less than the cost of a single computer replacement—SITE|SAFETYNET℠ offers multiple comprehensive safety checks with actionable reports throughout the year. This breaks down to less than $84 per month, providing a cost-effective and invaluable safety asset. Schools and parents nationwide embrace our platform, highlighting its exceptional value and demonstrating that high-quality safety solutions can be both accessible and affordable.

Digital Innovation: A Streamlined, Mobile-Ready Solution

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ distinguishes itself through its cutting-edge framework, replacing paper and tailored for maximum ease of use and efficiency. With its mobile-ready capabilities, the platform empowers facility managers, maintenance teams, and custodial staff to seamlessly integrate safety checks into their scheduled activities, ensuring no disruption to daily routines. The intuitive interface of SITE|SAFETYNET℠ enhances a culture of shared responsibility for safety, emphasizing actionable measures that administrators can undertake to maintain a constant, secure environment. The real value of SITE|SAFETYNET℠ lies in its auto-generated actionable reports, which provide clear, concise insights and directives, empowering schools to make informed decisions and implement effective safety measures with precision and confidence.

SITE| SAFETYNET℠Community Endorsement: A Unified Recommendation

The simplicity and effectiveness of SITE|SAFETYNET℠ have not gone unnoticed. Students, staff, and parents are vocal advocates for our platform, recommending it for its straightforward, hassle-free experience. This collective endorsement is driving a powerful shift towards embracing digital solutions in managing school safety, marking a significant departure from outdated, cumbersome methods.

A Call to Action for a Safer Tomorrow

Integrating SITE|SAFETYNET℠ into your school’s safety protocol is not merely a choice but a strategic move toward ensuring the continuous well-being of your educational community. As we witness an overwhelming wave of schools nationwide signing up for our platform, the message is clear: SITE|SAFETYNET℠ is setting a new standard for routine school safety, one that is aligned with the digital age and the expectations of our communities.

By choosing SITE|SAFETYNET℠, you’re not merely selecting advanced protection; you’re championing a safer future for your school and guaranteeing peace of mind for everyone in your community. Together, let’s embark on this vital journey, ensuring every school can embrace the unparalleled security, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness that Site|SafetyNet℠ delivers. Collectively, we are building safer schools for today, tomorrow, and beyond.