School Safety SITE|SAFETYNET℠By Robert Jordan – Founder, SITE|SAFETYNET℠

Prevention Training: The Key to Combating Active Shooter Threats. Gun laws aren’t going to change today. Mental illness won’t be cured today. We can’t sufficiently harden every target today. However, in the fight against active shooters, there are two variables we can address immediately: prevention and response.

While many schools implement established response protocols like the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and A.L.I.C.E. (“Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate”), or “Run, Hide, Fight,” these reactive measures address only part of the safety equation. The SRP provides clear actions (Lockout, Lockdown, Evacuate, Shelter), while its companion Standard Reunification Method (SRM) ensures organized parent-student reunification after a crisis. However, prevention remains the most effective strategy. By strengthening our prevention capabilities, we reduce the likelihood of ever needing to deploy these response protocols.

While emergency response training remains essential, reacting to an active threat means prevention has already failed. We aim to identify and address potential threats before they escalate to crises, eliminating the need for last-resort survival tactics.

Violence Prevention Tip #1: Evidence-Based Threat Assessment Strategies

Our platform provides comprehensive safety assessments that empower schools to recognize and act on early warning signs of potential violence. According to a 2023 National Center for School Safety study, schools implementing systematic threat assessment protocols saw a 76% reduction in violent incidents.

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ leverages a proprietary 94-Point Safety Zone Assessment system featuring:

Violence Prevention Tip #2: Master Threat Assessment Fundamentals

In a focused hour-long session, schools learn critical prevention elements backed by FBI and Secret Service research:

The Pathway to Violence: Research shows that 93% of school shooters exhibited concerning behaviors before the attack. Understanding these stages allows for early intervention.

Known Risk Factors: A comprehensive study of 51 school attacks revealed that 94% were planned, with observable warning signs.

Observable Behaviors: Case studies demonstrate that peers and staff noticed concerning behaviors in 81% of incidents before they occurred.

Violence Prevention Tip #3: Crisis Intervention Success Stories

The “pathway to violence” research reveals two critical insights:

  1. Early intervention is exponentially more effective
  2. Progression accelerates without intervention

Real-world example: In 2022, a Colorado high school’s threat assessment team successfully intervened with three at-risk students through early identification and support services, preventing potential violence before plans could develop.

Violence Prevention Tip #4: Integrated Safety Approach

While response training remains vital, prevention delivers measurable results:

Our Commitment to School Safety

SITE|SAFETYNET℠ stands at the forefront of real-time safety assessment technology. Our AI-enhanced platform represents the next evolution in threat prevention, combining human expertise with advanced machine-learning capabilities. Initial pilot programs demonstrate promising results in:

As we expand our pilot program, we collaborate with educational institutions to refine and validate our approach. Join us in shaping the future of school safety technology.

Contact us to learn how your school can participate in our innovative safety assessment program and help create safer spaces for everyone.

Understanding Gun Violence: A Comprehensive Approach

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