By Robert Jordan
Parent Involvement in K-12 Education Safety. School safety is a critical concern for parents, educators, and communities. Recent research indicates that 38% of parents fear for their child’s physical safety at school, highlighting the importance of parental involvement in school safety efforts 1. While schools are primarily responsible for providing a safe learning environment, parents play a vital role in supporting and enhancing these efforts. When parents actively engage in school safety initiatives, they contribute to a more secure and supportive atmosphere for all students. This SITE|SAFETYNET℠ article explores the multifaceted role of parents in K-12 education safety, examining research findings, best practices, and resources available to facilitate parental involvement.
The Role of Parents in School Safety
Parents are essential partners in school safety. Their involvement can take many forms, from fostering open communication with their children and the school to actively participating in safety planning and initiatives. Here are some key ways parents can contribute to a safer school environment:
- Stay Informed: Parents should stay informed about school safety policies, emergency procedures, and potential threats. This includes understanding the school’s emergency response plans, communication protocols, and safety drills2. Schools should communicate clearly and regularly with parents about these matters3. For example, every school should have a plan for reuniting children with parents after an emergency, and parents should be aware of this plan and how they will receive information about their child’s release2.
- Communicate with Children: Open and honest communication about safety concerns is crucial. Parents should encourage their children to share their experiences and concerns, and discuss safety risks, school and community safety, and related issues3. This includes discussing specific safety measures, such as mapping out safe routes to school, avoiding unsafe areas, following traffic rules, and not talking to strangers4. Parents should also talk to their children about their experiences on the school bus, as bullying can often occur in that environment4.
- Monitor Social Media: Parents should monitor their child’s social media activity and discuss appropriate online behavior and the potential risks associated with technology3. This includes educating themselves about current social media platforms and trends and having honest conversations with their children about the possible misuse of technology3.
- Be Aware of Warning Signs: Parents are often the first to notice changes in their child’s behavior that may indicate distress or potential safety concerns. By staying attuned to their child’s well-being, parents can help identify and address issues early on2. This includes looking for signs of bullying, such as a sudden drop in grades, loss of friends, or torn clothing4.
- Support Safety Measures: When parents are actively involved in school safety discussions and decision-making, they are more likely to support and comply with safety protocols, which is crucial for effectively implementing safety measures5. This includes following school policies and procedures, such as signing children in and out of school facilities, and refraining from requesting exceptions to these rules2.
- Reinforce Safety Awareness: Parents can reinforce safety awareness at home and in the community by discussing safety practices with their children and teaching them how to handle potential risks5.
- Partner with Schools: Parents can offer valuable insights, skills, and resources to enhance safety. They may have expertise in law enforcement, emergency response, or mental health, which can enrich the school’s safety planning and preparedness5.
- Active Participation: Parents can actively participate in school events, safety workshops, and community-building activities, contributing to a supportive network for their children and strengthening the school community2. This includes attending school meetings, volunteering for safety-related tasks, and participating in the parent-teacher association6.
Parental Fear and School Safety:
Acknowledging the heightened level of fear among parents regarding their children’s safety at school is essential. Recent Gallup research shows that parental concern about school safety is currently higher than it was after other high-profile school shooting tragedies, such as the 2006 Amish schoolhouse shooting, the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, and the 2018 Parkland High School shooting1. This suggests a cumulative effect of these events and highlights the need for ongoing efforts to address school safety and parental concerns. Schools and communities must work together to create a safe and supportive environment where children can learn and thrive without fear.
Resources and Tools for Parent Involvement
Numerous resources and tools are available to help parents get involved in school safety. These resources provide information, guidance, and support for parents who want to make a difference in their child’s school. Here are some key resources categorized by type:
Government Resources:
- Gov: This website, maintained by the Department of Homeland Security, provides a wealth of resources from various federal agencies, including guidance, training, and fact sheets on school safety topics such as emergency planning, school climate, and threat assessment7.
- National Center for School Safety (NCSS): The NCSS offers evidence-based resources on various school safety topics, including bullying prevention, threat assessment, and emergency preparedness. Their website provides clearinghouses, grant solicitations, podcasts, publications, toolkits, and videos for parents and educators8.
Non-profit Organizations:
- Protecting Our Students: This organization provides resources and programs designed to score school safety via SITE|SAFETYNET℠ school safety assessment apps.
- Safe and Sound Schools: This organization provides resources and programs to support parent involvement in school safety. Their Parents for Safer Schools program offers ideas, resources, and access to leadership to help parents organize, communicate, and collaborate with their school communities9.
- Common Sense Media: This organization offers comprehensive advice and resources for families on navigating technology use and promoting digital safety for children10.
Technology Solutions:
- Pikmykid: This company provides school technology solutions, including dismissal management systems and emergency alert and reunification systems, which can enhance safety and communication with parents5.
- Possip: This platform provides tools for schools to gather feedback from parents and facilitate communication on safety and other issues11.
- Navigate360: This company offers a Safety Plan Wizard to help schools compile and maintain compliant safety plans. They also provide resources and information for parents on school safety measures12.
Other Resources:
- School Security: This website offers resources and articles on school safety, including a guide for parents on assessing school security and crisis preparedness.
- Protect Young Eyes: This resource provides practical tips, tools, and guides for parents on creating safer digital environments for their children10.
- Internet Matters: This website offers expert advice and resources for parents on keeping their children safe online10.
- The Smart Talk: This interactive tool helps families set digital safety ground rules together and create a personalized family agreement for responsible technology use10.
Research and Best Practices
Research consistently shows that parent involvement in schools is associated with positive student outcomes, including improved academic achievement, better behavior, and enhanced social skills13. When parents are engaged in school safety efforts, it can contribute to:
- Early Detection and Prevention: Engaged parents are likelier to notice behavioral changes or signs of distress in their children, enabling early intervention and preventing potential safety concerns5.
- Swift Response to Emergencies: When parents are informed about emergency procedures and their roles, they can respond quickly and effectively in crises, supporting school staff and first responders5.
- Increased Confidence in School Safety: Research indicates that parents feel more confident when involved in safety planning and know the school’s safety measures15.
- Stronger School Climate: Parent involvement contributes to a stronger school climate and a sense of community, which can help prevent bullying and other safety issues9.
Growing Concerns and Awareness Gaps:
A recent report found that 67% of both parents and teachers are more concerned about school safety now than they were five years ago, underscoring the need for increased parental involvement 15. However, the same report also revealed a gap in teachers’ and parents’ awareness of implementing new safety technologies in schools. While 74% of teachers reported that their school had adopted new safety technology in the last two years, only 54% of parents were aware of these implementations15. This discrepancy highlights the need for schools to communicate more effectively with parents about their safety measures and involve them in decision-making.
Synergy Between Parent Engagement and School Success:
Research suggests a synergistic relationship between parent engagement and overall school success. Not only does parental involvement contribute to improved safety, but it also has a positive impact on students’ academic outcomes, social-emotional skills, and school engagement13. When parents are involved in their children’s schooling, students show higher educational achievement, motivation, and a greater sense of belonging13. This emphasizes the importance of fostering parent engagement as a holistic approach to improving school safety and student well-being.
Here are some best practices for parent involvement in school safety:
- Create a Welcoming School Climate: Schools should create a welcoming and inclusive environment for parents, providing opportunities to connect with teachers, staff, and other parents18. This can include providing a personal greeting and welcome packet for all parents visiting the school, including important contact information, a school calendar, and resources for families18.
- Establish Effective Communication: Schools should establish clear and consistent communication channels with parents, providing regular updates on safety practices, emergency procedures, and any incidents that may occur5. This can include using various methods of communication, such as phone calls, text messages, emails, newsletters, and social media platforms5.
- Offer Diverse Opportunities for Involvement: Schools should offer a variety of ways for parents to get involved, such as volunteering, attending safety workshops, and participating in school safety committees18. This can include creating roles for parents on decision-making committees, providing training for these roles, and conducting surveys to identify parent interests and talents18.
- Resources and Support: Schools should provide parents with the resources and support they need to engage in school safety efforts effectively. This may include training on safety protocols, information on how to talk to children about safety, and access to mental health resources14. Schools should also evaluate their efforts to increase parent engagement in school health—to learn which actions have the greatest effect14.
- Empower Parents as Advocates: Schools should encourage parents to become safety advocates by providing information and opportunities to share their perspectives and contribute to school safety planning19.
- Provide Transportation and Childcare: To ensure that all parents can participate in school-sponsored events, schools should provide transportation and childcare as needed18.
Engaging Parents in School Safety Efforts
Schools can take proactive steps to engage parents in school safety efforts. Here are some effective strategies:
- Ensure Parents Are on Your Safety Team: Include parents on school safety committees and in safety planning meetings to ensure their perspectives are considered and foster a sense of shared responsibility16.
- Host Information Sessions: Conduct informational sessions for parents on various safety topics, such as emergency procedures, threat assessment, and mental health awareness16. These sessions can be conducted virtually or in-person, and should be offered in multiple languages to ensure accessibility for all parents16.
- Recruit Parents to Help: Encourage parents to volunteer for safety-related tasks at school, such as supervising students during arrival or dismissal, monitoring hallways, and assisting with safety drills16. Schools can also organize volunteer programs to have more adults on hand during busy times3.
- Promote Cyber Security Awareness: Partner with parents to promote cyber security awareness at home and provide resources for families on online safety11.
- Use Technology to Enhance Communication: Utilize technology tools such as parent portals, mobile apps, and social media to communicate with parents about safety issues and provide updates on safety initiatives5.
- Foster a Proactive and Productive Conversation: Maintain an ongoing dialogue with parents about school safety through regular contributions to school communications, newsletters, and parent meetings3.
- Build Trust Through Community Collaboration: Foster trust and collaboration among schools, parents, and community members by promoting transparency, open communication, and shared decision-making19.
- Organize a “Safety Fair”: Organize a “safety fair” where parents can meet with school officials, safety personnel, and student leadership groups to discuss safety concerns and learn about the school’s safety measures11.
- Collaborate with First Responders: Collaborate with law enforcement and first responders to establish a common language and clear communication protocols, ensuring a coordinated response in emergencies19.
Cyber Safety
With the increasing use of technology by children and adolescents, cyber safety has become a critical aspect of school safety. Parents play a vital role in promoting cyber security awareness at home and ensuring their children’s online safety. Here are some key considerations for parents:
- Open Communication: Talk to your children about responsible internet usage, the risks of sharing personal information online, and the potential dangers of cyberbullying11.
- Privacy Settings: Ensure your children’s privacy settings on social media and other online platforms are secure10.
- Online Interactions: Discuss appropriate online interactions with your children and encourage them to report uncomfortable or inappropriate online behavior10.
- Device-Free Zones: Create device-free zones in your home, especially during family meals or other essential times, to encourage face-to-face interaction and limit screen time10.
- Monitoring and Supervision: Monitor your child’s online activity and supervise their use of technology, especially for younger children3.
- Cybersecurity Education: Advocate for cybersecurity education in your child’s school to ensure they receive comprehensive instruction on online safety11.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Parent involvement in school safety raises specific legal and ethical considerations that schools should be aware of. These include:
Parental Responsibility:
- Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child’s safety and well-being and may be held accountable for their child’s actions at school in certain circumstances20.
- State laws may hold parents financially liable for damages caused by their children at school. In some cases, parents may face criminal charges for negligence in supervising a child who commits a serious offense20.
Student Privacy and Confidentiality:
- Schools must balance the need to involve parents in safety efforts with the legal and ethical obligations to protect student privacy21.
- The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 21 protects the privacy of student education records and governs parental access to these records. Schools must comply with FERPA regulations when sharing information about school safety with parents.
- School counselors and other staff must maintain confidentiality when working with students while also recognizing the rights of parents to be involved in their children’s lives22.
- Ethical considerations arise when students disclose sensitive information to school personnel, and schools must carefully navigate these situations to protect student privacy while ensuring their safety and well-being22.
Informed Consent:
- Schools should obtain informed consent from parents before involving them in specific safety initiatives, such as those that may include accessing student records or participating in sensitive discussions23.
- The concept of “in loco parentis” 23 grants schools limited authority to act in place of parents while students are at school. Still, this authority must be exercised ethically and with respect for student rights.
Equity and Access:
- Schools should ensure that all parents have equal opportunities to participate in school safety efforts, regardless of their background, language, or socioeconomic status24.
- This may require providing translation services, offering flexible meeting times, and removing other barriers to participation.
Parent involvement is a crucial component of a comprehensive approach to school safety. By staying informed, communicating with their children, partnering with schools, and actively participating in safety initiatives, parents can significantly contribute to creating a safer and more supportive learning environment for all students. Schools, in turn, should strive to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for parents, provide clear and consistent communication, offer diverse opportunities for involvement, and address any legal and ethical considerations that may arise. When parents and schools work together, they can create a stronger and more secure community where all children can thrive.
Call to Action:
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s school to learn more about safety policies and procedures and to explore opportunities for involvement in safety initiatives. Schools are urged to prioritize parent engagement in school safety by creating a welcoming environment for parents, providing clear and consistent communication, and offering diverse opportunities for involvement. By working together, parents and schools can develop a culture of safety and support that benefits all students.
Works Cited
- School Parent Safety Concerns Remain High in the U.S. – Gallup News, accessed January 26, 2025,
- School Safety and Parental Involvement | Safeguard Risk Solutions, LLC, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Parents and School Safety – School SecuritySchool Security, accessed January 26, 2025,
- What Parents Can Do to Keep Kids Safe at School – National Crime Prevention Council, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Engaging Parents and Communities in School Safety and Security – Pikmykid, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Optimal School Safety Measures Every Parent Should Know About – Signal Security, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Find School Safety Resources –, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Resources – National Center for School Safety, accessed January 26, 2025,
- PARENTS FOR SAFER SCHOOLS, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Parents’ Digital Safety Toolkit – Shallowater ISD, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Simple Ways to Get Parents Involved – Safe and Sound Schools, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Providing Peace of Mind for Parents | School Safety Blog – Navigate360, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Does Parent Involvement Really Help Students? Here’s What the Research Says, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Parent Engagement in Schools | Healthy Youth Parent Resources – CDC, accessed January 26, 2025,
- New Report Reveals Parents’ and Teachers’ Critical Perspective on School Safety, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Three Ways Schools Can Promote Parent Engagement in School Safety, accessed January 26, 2025,
- REL Blog | 6 Strategies for Effective School Family Engagement Events, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Sample Best Practices for Parent Involvement in Schools – Ohio Department of Education, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Fostering School Safety Through Community Involvement and Collaboration, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Parental Accountability for School Violence – FindLaw, accessed January 26, 2025,
- FERPA – Protecting Student Privacy – Department of Education, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Navigate the Ethics of Family Engagement – American School Counselor Association, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Legal and Ethical Issues in Working with Parents – American School Counselor Association, accessed January 26, 2025,
- Barriers and Facilitators to School-Based Parent Involvement for Parents of Urban Public Middle School Students – PMC – PubMed Central, accessed January 26, 2025,