By Robert Jordan, Founder SITE|SAFETYNET℠ 

At SITE|SAFETYNET℠, we prioritize the safety and security of educational environments. To support schools in maintaining high safety standards, we recommend following a comprehensive checklist that addresses various aspects of campus safety, complemented by our cloud-based foundational model. This checklist, supported by our active Proprietary 60-Point Safety Zone Assessment (P-60), Dynamic Safety Score (DSS), and Automated Safety Reports (ASR), serves as valuable real-time security measures for administrators, safety personnel, and stakeholders to ensure a secure and prepared school environment. Our approach is a proprietary real-time model optimized for all schools.

Critical Components of the School Safety Checklist

  1. Access Control
  1. Surveillance Systems
  1. Emergency Preparedness
  1. Communication Systems
  1. Physical Security Measures
  1. Training and Education
  1. Threat Assessment
  1. Collaboration with Law Enforcement
  1. Health and Wellness
  1. Technology Integration


Ensuring the safety and security of schools is an ongoing process that requires vigilance, preparation, and collaboration. By implementing our real-time and continuous assessments and reassessments, along with this comprehensive checklist, schools can create a safer environment for students, staff, and visitors. To learn why schools nationwide are implementing our active and continuous safety platform, visit our Overview page [1 min read].

At SITE|SAFETYNET℠, we are committed to supporting schools in their mission to provide a secure and nurturing environment. Our cloud-based platform offers real-time safety assessments and continuous reassessment monitoring to help schools stay ahead of potential threats and maintain high safety standards throughout the school year.

Visit us for more information on how SITE|SAFETYNET℠ can benefit your school.

Protecting Our Students, Inc.

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