Optimize Law Enforcement, First Responder Partnerships + Systems + Safety Policies
Remember Uvalde: Strengthen your school's safety by optimizing partnerships with law enforcement agencies, and first responders, updating systems, and
revising safety policies.
Law Enforcement Partnerships
Forging strong partnerships with law enforcement agencies is essential. This collaboration allows for the development of
effective threat assessment protocols, swift response plans, and shared resources to enhance overall school security. Law
enforcement can provide valuable expertise in training staff, conducting drills, and monitoring potential threats, helping
to create a safer environment for students and staff alike.
Upgrading surveillance,
access control, and communication systems can swiftly detect and respond to threats, enhancing overall safety. These modern systems also aid law enforcement in their rapid intervention, thus bolstering the protection of students and staff.protocols, swift response plans, and shared resources to enhance overall school security. Law
enforcement can provide valuable expertise in training staff, conducting drills, and monitoring potential threats, helping
to create a safer environment for students and staff alike.
Safety Policies
Establishing and consistently revising comprehensive safety policies is a linchpin in schools' efforts to prevent gun
violence. These policies encompass security protocols, threat assessment, emergency response plans, and zero tolerance measures for potential threats. By educating students and staff on these policies, schools create a vigilant and
prepared community, contributing to a safer environment and reducing the risk of gun violence incidents.
From the admin suite to the classrooms to the school fields, SITE|SAFETYNET℠ supports the entire school security
ecosystem. Select a module to see which SITE|SAFETYNET℠ level can help you.